Internship Graphic Design Nanotech Indonesia Global
Nanotech Indonesia Global

Internship Graphic Design Nanotech Indonesia Global

3 Weeks of Internships

Nanotech Indonesia Global

Membuat desain grafis untuk social media Nanotech

Register Internship Graphic Design Nanotech Indonesia Global

3 Weeks

Requirements to be able to register for this Remote Internship:

About Company

About Company

Tentang Nanotech Indonesia Global

Nanotech Indonesia Global (NANO) adalah Tech Company yang memiliki core business berupa jasa layanan sains dan teknologi berbasis research and development (R&D), rekayasa material, dan nanoteknologi. Kami, PT Nanotech Indonesia Global (NANO) sebagai perusahaan teknologi pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Nanoteknologi, hadir untuk menjawab permasalahan, kebutuhan, dan tantangan para akademisi, investor, industri, dunia usaha, dan pemerintah yang hanya bisa direkayasa dengan sains dan teknologi.


Required skills

Graphic Design


Project to be worked on

During the remote internship, you will work on the following projects

Pengenalan Company2 Topic • 1 Week
Design Konten Instagram1 Topic • 1 Week
Design Konten Instagram1 Topic • 1 Week


Complete the following Video Course to be able to take part in the Internship

To be able to take part in this internship program, you must complete the following Online Video Course

Image Course
Video Course

Belajar Graphic Design menggunakan Adobe Illustrator

FAQ Supervised Class

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