dibimbing.id - Build Your Socially Responsible Company

Corporate Social Responsibility

Build Your Socially Responsible Company

Transform Your Business into a Socially Responsible Company to Enhance the Quality of Society and the Environment in Indonesia.

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The Current Situation in Indonesia


The workforce in Indonesia who has expertise in the field of Digital Skills

* Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AlphaBeta research

Indonesia Faces a Potential Shortage of 9 Million Digital Talents by 2030

According to McKinsey and the World Bank (2021), Indonesia is a country experiencing rapid digitalization. The widespread use of banking applications and the growth of startups in Indonesia contribute to the catalyzation of digitalization. In the era of the New Economy, the shortage of digital talents becomes a major challenge for companies. Future-oriented education is crucial to equip the next generation with the necessary skills and knowledge.

However, Cost Remains a Primary Challenge

We have conducted research among over 4,000 participants of the Digital Skill Fair regarding Digital Skills Learning. The results indicate that 45% of respondents still face difficulties in pursuing digital skills development training due to COST CONSTRAINTS.


The labor force is experiencing financial difficulties

Therefore, We Provide a Range of Educational Programs to Address This Issue

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Mentor Talks

Free 1-Day Certified Training conducted by Top Mentors in the Tech Industry

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Digital Skill Fair

Free 5-Day Certified Training on Digital Skills and Career Preparation for Students, Fresh Graduates, and Professionals to Enhance Digital Abilities. Pelatihan bersertifikat gratis selama 5 hari tentang digital skills dan career preparation untuk mahasiswa, fresh graduate, dan profesiional untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital

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Beasiswa Dibimbing.id

Our commitment to supporting talented and passionate individuals in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the digital era. Komitmen kami untuk mendukung orang-orang berbakat dan bersemangat dalam memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses di era digital.

We are highly focused on enhancing skills in the field of…

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