dibimbing.id - Learning Management System for Business
Learning Management System for Business

The Learning Management System That's Trusted by 65.000+ Users

A solution for companies, academic institutions, and individuals to enhance digital skills. From management training, educational contents, to learning management systems, we've got all your needs covered.

Employee Training

Manage Employee


Integrated Video Course


SMTP Email


Certificate Setting

Media Library

Employee Training

Say goodbye to complicated onboarding processes! With our Employee Training feature, you can easily manage end-to-end onboarding and employee development. Enhance your team's skills through flexible training options including videos, PDFs, or tests.

Employee Training

Unlock All Your Corporate Needs with the All-in-One LMS Platform by Dibimbing.id!

Access all training and employee development materials on a single centralized platform.

Descriptive Text

Optimize Your Employee Development with the Learning Management System from Dibimbing.id

Empower your company's progress through a comprehensive Learning Management System solution and boost the efficiency of internal training for a superior team transformation.

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Your Shortcut to Efficient Learning with an Innovative Learning Management System
