dibimbing.id - 7 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris

7 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris

Siti Khadijah Azzukhruf Firdausi


31 May 2024



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Mau ucapkan terima kasih yang menyentuh untuk guru favoritmu? Nah, coba deh tulis personal letter! Bukan cuma buat gurumu merasa dihargai, ini juga bisa jadi cara keren untuk sampaikan rasa terima kasih dan apresiasimu.

Personal letter untuk guru ini lumayan berbeda dengan surat format. Biasanya, isinya bisa ungkapan terima kasih, cerita tentang pengaruh gurumu ke hidupmu, atau sekadar menyampaikan kabar terbaru.

Supaya kamu tidak bingung menulisnya, MinDi punya 7 contoh personal letter untuk guru dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa ditiru! Yuk, baca artikel ini sampai habis dan mulai tulis suratmu sendiri!

Tujuan Menulis Personal Letter untuk Guru

Menulis personal letter untuk guru bisa jadi cara bagus bagi siswa untuk ekspresikan pikiran, perasaan, dan apresiasi mereka. Kamu bisa menuliskan pesan personal untuk gurumu dengan berbagai macam tujuan.

Supaya lebih yakin menulisnya, MinDi akan kasih beberapa tujuan umum menuliskan personal letter untuk guru:

Menyampaikan Rasa Terima Kasih

Salah satu tujuan utama menulis personal letter untuk guru adalah untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih. Ini bisa apresiasi atas bimbingan, dukungan, dan pengaruh positif yang telah diberikan guru selama perjalanan belajar.

Berbagi Pengalaman Pribadi

Personal letter juga bisa digunakan untuk berbagi pengalaman pribadi, cerita, atau kejadian yang ingin kamu sampaikan kepada guru. Ini tidak hanya membantu kamu mengembangkan kemampuan menulis, tapi juga memungkinkan guru untuk lebih memahami perspektifmu.

Menyampaikan Belasungkawa

Surat pribadi bisa digunakan untuk menyampaikan belasungkawa kepada guru yang sedang mengalami kehilangan atau kesulitan pribadi.

Merayakan Prestasi Guru

Personal letter bisa digunakan untuk mengucapkan selamat atas prestasi atau pencapaian yang diraih oleh guru. Misalnya, saat mereka berhasil menyelesaikan pendidikan lanjutan atau mendapatkan penghargaan. 

Baca Juga: Contoh Email Formal & Informal Bahasa Inggris Plus Formatnya

Struktur Personal Letter untuk Guru

Sebenarnya, personal letter tidak punya aturan spesifik terkait struktur yang digunakan saat menulis suratnya. Akan tetapi, struktur ini bisa jadi alat bantumu untuk menulis surat yang bisa dipahami oleh guru dengan mudah.

Supaya suratmu jelas dan mudah dipahami, berikut struktur personal letter untuk guru yang bisa diikuti:


Pertama adalah heading yang mencakup informasi dirimu dan penerima. Ini meliputi nama lengkap penerima, alamat mereka, dan tanggal penulisan surat. Berikut contohnya:

Struktur Personal Letter - Heading (Sumber:Pinterest )

Salam Pembuka/Greetings

Bagian berikutnya adalah salam pembuka atau greetings. Di bagian ini, kamu bisa mulai dengan salam formal. Misalnya, menyapa guru dengan gelar dan nama mereka. Berikut adalah contohnya:

Struktur Personal Letter - Greeting (Sumber:Pinterest )

Ekspresi Rasa Terima Kasih/Show Gratitude

Selanjutnya, kamu bisa ungkapkan rasa terima kasihmu atas bimbingan dan dukungan yang telah diberikan oleh guru. Sebutkan secara spesifik apa yang kamu hargai, seperti metode pengajar, kesabaran, atau dorongan mereka.

Struktur Personal Letter - Gratitude (Sumber:Pinterest )

Isi Surat/Body

Dalam bagian body, kamu bisa bagikan contoh spesifik atau refleksi pribadi. Contoh spesifik ini bisa berupa cerita yang menggambarkan dampak gurumu bagi pertumbuhan personalmu.

Soroti pencapaian, keterampilan, atau kualitas yang kamu hargai dari guru tersebut. Kemudian, refleksi pribadi ini bisa berupa uraian tentang bagaimana gurumu berarti bagi dirimu. 

Ceritakan bagaiman bimbingan mereka membantu kamu mengembangkan keterampilan baru, mengatasi tantangan, atau mencapai tujuan pribadi. Berikut contohnya:

Struktur Personal Letter - Body (Sumber:Pinterest )


Terakhir, kamu bisa ulangi rasa terima kasihmu atas usaha dan pengaruh positif yang telah diberikan oleh guru. Kemudian, akhiri surat dengan salam penutup formal. Terakhir, tanda tangani suratmu di atas nama penutup. Bila perlu, tambahkan juga informasi kontakmu.

Berikut contohnya:

Struktur Personal Letter - Closing (Sumber:Pinterest )

7 Contoh Personal Letter untuk Guru

Seusai mempelajari strukturnya, sekarang MinDi akan kasih beberapa contoh personal letter untuk guru supaya kamu dapat inspirasi saat menulis. Berikut adalah contoh personal letter untuk guru spesial buatan MinDi:

Contoh #1 Surat Terima Kasih Pada Guru

Contoh pertama MinDi siapkan spesial untuk Sobat MinDi yang mau memberikan ucapan terima kasih pada guru. Berikut adalah contoh dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa Sobat MinDi jadikan referensi:

New York, May 29, 2024

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible guidance and support you have provided me during my time in your class.

Your dedication to teaching and your passion for the subject matter are truly inspiring. I have learned so much from you, not only academically but also about perseverance, teamwork, and the importance of following one's dreams. Your ability to connect with each student and tailor your teaching to meet our individual needs has been invaluable.

I remember struggling with chemistry at the beginning of the year, and your patience and encouragement helped me overcome my difficulties. Because of you, I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for the subject, and I feel much more confident in my abilities.

Your influence has had a lasting impact on my life, and I will always be grateful for the time I spent in your class. Thank you again for being such an outstanding teacher and mentor. I hope to make you proud as I continue my educational journey.



Contoh #2 Ucapan Selamat Pada Pencapaian Guru

Contoh berikutnya pas buat Sobat MinDi yang mau kasih selamat atas pencapaian guru favoritmu. Ini bahan referensi kamu:

Los Angeles, May 29, 2024

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your recent achievement. Hearing the news that you have been recognized as Teacher of the Year is truly inspiring, and I couldn't be happier for you!

Your dedication to education and your commitment to your students have always been evident. You have a unique ability to make even the most challenging topics engaging and accessible, and your passion for teaching shines through in every lesson. This award is a well-deserved acknowledgment of all the hard work, effort, and love you put into your profession.

I have always admired your ability to connect with each student and tailor your teaching methods to meet our individual needs. Your support and encouragement have made a significant impact on my academic journey, and I am grateful for the many ways you have helped me grow.

Thank you for being an exceptional teacher and for always pushing us to reach our full potential. Your achievement serves as a reminder of the positive difference you make in the lives of your students every day. I am honored to have been a part of your class and to have witnessed your dedication firsthand.

Once again, congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment. I am excited to see what the future holds for you and the many more lives you will continue to inspire.

Best regards, 


Contoh #3 Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru

Berikutnya, MinDi bakal kasih contoh personal letter untuk mengucapkan selamat hari guru. Di bawah ini adalah referensi suratnya:

Chicago, May 29, 2024

Dear Mrs. Williams,

Happy Teacher’s Day!

I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. On this special day, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for everything you have done for me and countless other students.

Your dedication to teaching and your unwavering commitment to your students have always been truly inspiring. You have a unique gift for making each lesson engaging and accessible, and your passion for education shines through in everything you do. Because of you, I have developed a love for learning that I will carry with me throughout my life.

Your patience, kindness, and encouragement have made a significant impact on my academic journey. You always go above and beyond to ensure that every student feels valued and supported. Your belief in my potential has given me the confidence to pursue my goals and dreams.

Thank you for being such an incredible teacher and mentor. Your positive influence extends far beyond the classroom, and I am grateful for the many ways you have shaped my life. I feel truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you.

Wishing you a wonderful Teacher’s Day filled with joy and recognition for all that you do. You deserve all the appreciation in the world.

Warmest regards, 

Story Belle

Contoh #4 Surat Perpisahan Kelulusan untuk Guru

Kalau kamu udah di tahun terakhir dan mau lulus, berikut contoh personal letter untuk guru yang bisa ditiru:

San Francisco, May 29, 2024

Dear Mr. Anderson,

As graduation approaches, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey I’ve had during my time at this school. One of the most significant aspects of this journey has been having you as my teacher. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude and to say goodbye.

Your classes have been some of the most engaging and inspiring experiences of my academic career. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to your students have left a lasting impression on me. You have a unique ability to make complex subjects understandable and interesting, and your enthusiasm for learning is contagious.

Throughout the years, you have not only been a teacher but also a mentor and a role model. Your encouragement and support have helped me grow both academically and personally. You’ve taught me the importance of perseverance, critical thinking, and always striving for excellence.

As I move on to the next chapter of my life, I will carry with me the lessons you’ve taught and the memories we’ve shared. Your influence has been profound, and I am deeply grateful for the positive impact you’ve had on my life. I feel well-prepared for the future, thanks to your guidance and wisdom.

Thank you for everything, Mr. Anderson. I will always remember the time I spent in your class with great fondness. I hope to make you proud as I embark on this new journey.

Wishing you all the best, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.


Jeremiah Fisher

Contoh #5 Bercerita Pengalaman di Kelas ke Guru

Buat Sobat MinDi yang mungkin ada uneg-uneg soal masalah di kelas atau mau bagi cerita seru di kelas, contoh personal letter untuk guru ini bisa kamu tiru:

Boston, May 29, 2024

Dear Mrs. Carter,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share some of my experiences in your class and let you know how much I have enjoyed and learned from being one of your students.

Your class has been one of the most memorable and impactful parts of my school year. From the very first day, I felt welcomed and engaged by your teaching style. The way you present the material makes even the most challenging topics interesting and accessible. 

I particularly enjoyed the group projects we did, which helped me to understand the subject matter more deeply and also allowed me to build great teamwork skills.

One of the highlights of my time in your class was the science project. I found it incredibly rewarding to dive into the research and present our findings to the class. It was a perfect blend of creativity and analytical thinking, and it made me realize how much I enjoy exploring new ideas and presenting them in a compelling way.

I also appreciate how you always encouraged us to ask questions and express our opinions. Your open and supportive classroom environment has made learning a truly enjoyable experience. I have become more confident in my abilities and more enthusiastic about the subject because of your encouragement.

Thank you for all the effort and passion you put into teaching. It has truly made a difference in my educational journey. I look forward to applying what I’ve learned in your class to my future studies and beyond.

Wishing you all the best, and thank you once again for being such an inspiring teacher.

Warm regards, 

Lily Belle

Contoh #6 Permintaan Maaf Pada Guru

Berikutnya, MinDi bakal kasih contoh surat untuk meminta maaf pada guru. Berikut contohnya:

Denver, May 29, 2024

Dear Mr. Brown,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologize for my recent behavior in your class. I realize that my actions were inappropriate and disrespectful, and I want to take full responsibility for them.

I understand that maintaining a positive and productive classroom environment is crucial, and my behavior disrupted that. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and frustration I caused you and my classmates. I have taken some time to reflect on my actions and understand why they were wrong.

Your class is very important to me, and I greatly appreciate the effort you put into teaching and supporting all of us. I regret that my actions did not reflect the respect and appreciation I have for you as my teacher. Moving forward, I am committed to improving my behavior and ensuring that I contribute positively to the classroom environment.

Please accept my heartfelt apology. I hope you can forgive my mistake and allow me the opportunity to demonstrate that I can be a responsible and respectful student.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I am truly sorry, and I will do my best to make sure this does not happen again.



Contoh #7 Ucapan Belasungkawa Pada Guru

Terakhir, MinDi akan kasih contoh personal letter untuk guru yang sedang berduka. Berikut surat yang bisa kamu tiru dan modifikasi:

Chicago, May 29, 2024

Dear Mrs. Thompson,

I hope this letter finds you as well as can be expected during this difficult time. I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your daughter. I wanted to reach out and offer my heartfelt condolences.

I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow you must be feeling right now. Your daughter was such a kind and wonderful person, and I know they meant the world to you. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of grief.

You have always been a source of strength and inspiration for your students, including myself. Your compassion and dedication have touched many lives, and I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that you are surrounded by people who care deeply about you.

If there is anything I can do to support you during this time, please do not hesitate to let me know. Whether it's helping with tasks or simply being there to listen, I am here for you.

Please take all the time you need to heal and take care of yourself. I hope you can find some peace and solace in the memories of your daughter and the love and support of those around you.

With deepest sympathy, 

Edwina Sharma

Baca Juga: Bagaimana Cara Buat Surat Resign? Ini 7 Tips Profesionalnya!


Itulah beberapa contoh personal letter untuk guru yang bisa kamu tiru. Dengan mengikuti contoh-contoh di atas, kamu bisa memastikan pesan yang disampaikan akan diterima dengan baik dan penuh makna.

Jika kamu ingin lebih mahir lagi dalam menulis surat dalam Bahasa Inggris, MinDi sangat merekomendasikanmu untuk ikut program English for Professionals dari Dibimbing.id

Dalam kursus ini, kamu akan belajar Bahasa Inggris dari dasar hingga mahir. Mulai dari keterampilan menulis hingga berbicara.

Dengan mengikuti kelas ini, kamu akan lebih percaya diri dan fasih dalam berbahasa Inggris. Tertarik untuk bergabung? Daftarkan dirimu di sini dan tingkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggrismu bersama Dibimbing.id!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Apa Saja Tujuan Menulis Personal Letter untuk Guru?

Tujuan menulis personal letter untuk guru antara lain untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih, berbagi pengalaman pribadi, menyampaikan belasungkawa, merayakan pencapaian, atau mengucapkan selamat tinggal saat kelulusan.

2. Bagaimana Struktur Personal Letter untuk Guru?

Struktur personal letter untuk guru biasanya meliputi:

  • Pendahuluan: Salam pembuka dan ekspresi rasa terima kasih.

  • Isi Surat: Contoh spesifik atau cerita dan refleksi pribadi.

  • Penutup: Mengulang rasa terima kasih dan salam penutup.

3. Bagaimana Cara Menyampaikan Rasa Terima Kasih Kepada Guru Melalui Personal Letter?

Kamu bisa menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dengan menulis tentang bagaimana guru tersebut telah membantu dan mendukungmu. Berikan contoh spesifik dari pengalamanmu dan ungkapkan betapa berartinya pengaruh guru tersebut dalam hidupmu.


  1. Personal Letter Format: Best 10 Ways to Write Exceptional Letters [Buka]

  2. How to Write a Letter to Your Teacher [Buka]

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Siti Khadijah Azzukhruf Firdausi

Khadijah adalah SEO Content Writer di Dibimbing dengan pengalaman menulis konten selama kurang lebih setahun. Sebagai lulusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris yang berminat tinggi di digital marketing, Khadijah aktif berbagi pandangan tentang industri ini. Berbagai topik yang dieksplorasinya mencakup digital marketing, project management, data science, web development, dan career preparation.


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